Jan 31, 2013
A Blog Update
Hey guys! Long time, no speak I know. It has been an extremely long time since I last blogged. Basically what happened was that I was in a reading slump and just needed a short break from blogging. Well that short break slowly turned into just stopping completely. Now I'm ready to come back! There is going to be a few changes though. Before I had a set schedule for reviews, memes, etc. now my blog is going to be a bit more sporadic and the content is actually going to change a lot. Instead of being solely a YA book blog, The Young Adventuress is going to turn into more of a life blog. Ill be posting all kinds of stuff! There is still going to be a lot (and I mean a lot) of book-related posts but there is also going to be TV, movie, beauty, and maybe even a few project posts. I hope this little change doesn't disappoint you guys but I'm excited to start blogging again!